Saturday, August 2, 2008

Orbit Positively Pomegranate Gum

Positively Pomegranate

In my quest to try every flavor of Orbit gum, I've never had so much difficulty tracking down a flavor as I had with Positively Pomegranate. Once Amanda mentioned it in a comment on the Stride Sweet Berry review, I knew I had to try it. It was nowhere to be found at Target, Walgreens, or Kroger, and I couldn't even find it online! Finally, I found a mention on a blog of someone getting it at Wal-Mart. I don't really go there often; oddly enough, it's not conveniently located near my apartment. But I finally made it out to Wal-Mart and lo and behold, found the gum!

I wasn't expecting the box to be white, but I suppose a pomegranate color would have been too easily confused with Raspberry Mint. After the surprising box color, the second thing I noticed was that this gum packs a powerful scent. I could smell it through the plastic wrapper, and it was almost sickeningly sweet. This was very concerning. However, after removing the wrapper, I was relieved to find that the box smelled better, fruitier and less oppressive. In fact, the scent was almost a dead ringer for Bath & Body Works Midnight Pomegranate (floral notes included). I actually didn't try the gum right away, so it sat for about 30 minutes while I finished my tea. My whole apartment smells like this gum. This scent is strong.

Positively Pomegranate

The gum itself is a nice pale purple, although I was hoping for a darker color. The taste is actually pretty good! Fruity, tangy, and although it's been a long time since I've had a pomegranate, it tastes like Midnight Pomegranate smells (minus the floral notes), so I'm guessing that's good. There's no mint in here, so that's a plus if you're not a fruity/minty combo fan.

Once thing I didn't like was the texture. It's not very springy as gum goes. In fact, it's stickier, softer, and gooier than gum should be. It doesn't bounce back when you chew it. I don't know if that has to do with how they flavored it or what, but it is kind of disappointing. I'm not the only one who thinks so (1 2 3 4, etc.).

So, it doesn't top the list of Orbit gums I've tried, but it's not at the bottom either. I would have liked it more if it didn't scent my apartment and had a better texture.

Now, my Orbit count is up to 14/16 flavors tried.

C (because of the texture thing)

Orbit Website


Amanda G. said...

Oh goodness, I didn't realize it was so hard to find! Perhaps that's why it's limited edition--they're using Walmart as a *test* market for it?

I really love the scent and taste though. The texture definitely took a little getting used to but I think the gum is worth it (at least for pom fans). I'm thinking the gooieness has to do with the pom flavoring...

ebidebby said...

It was quite an adventure to track this down! It's definitely a neat gum, but it's so overpowering I have a hard time chewing right through it like I normally do with gum. Maybe that's a good thing, though.

Connie said...

I tried to call you to tell you that you've started me on buying gum like craaaaazy. While Amanda was here we went shopping for gum and I picked up a few packs of the pomegranate. Flavor was nice, scent was strong (my purse makes rooms smell like gum...but I do have 4 packs on gum in it). The texture was fine for about 10 minutes then omg was it naaaasty. It was so sticky and odd but it was good before that...

Anonymous said...

I don't know who wrote this review but they exaggerated quite a bit. Especially with the comment, "my entire apartment smells like this gum". Ok, thats not accurate. I have four cases of the gum in my apartment and it doesn't smell at all. Secondly, I don't know what you're talking about with the "texture" being too gooey? You must have gotten an older pack, mine is so fresh and has an excellent texture that your teeth bounce and squeek right off of it. This is by far the BEST ORBIT gum I have ever had and if and when they pull it off of the shelves, I will discontinue buying gum from Orbit or the Wrigley Company for this exact reason. Their "minty fruity" gums are disgusting. Foul taste, foul aroma, just gross. anything "minty" to me is just nasty. The Pomgranate is the bomb!

ebidebby said...

Connie - It's weird, isn't it? I'm glad you're trying all kind of gum, though, it's great fun.

cunit - Clearly we just have different tastes. I happen to like minty fruity, you happen to really like the pomegranate gum. This gum was good, just not my favorite Orbit.

I did exaggerate a bit about my entire apartment smelling for the sake of humor, but I honestly did smell it from a different room. Once it aired out, it wasn't so strong, but this scent packs a punch.

Maybe my pack was old, but I have heard from many different people about the texture being different from other gums. Maybe there was a bad batch? If the texture of mine had been better, I would like it much more.

Anonymous said...

omg! i remember looking for this flavor at Target because i found strawberry mint there. when i couldn't find it, i thought to myself, "maybe some other retailer carries it, like Wal-Mart or something." thank you for confirming my theory!

Brad said...

wow! hey! I'm brad cook from we rate stuff. this is a cool little blog you've got going here! always cool to see your own site being referred to, thanks! I've tried this gum and I have to say the texture is definitely a bit different.

ebidebby said...

Thanks, Brad! Yeah, I really wish this one wasn't so off, otherwise I'd have liked it.

Anonymous said...

great pics of the gum!

Anonymous said...

After my lunch break at work I decided to try my new Positvely Pomegranate gum. After about 5 minutes of chewing the gum had a very weird texture. A little longer the taste started to get a little funky. Before reading these reviews I started freaking out and 3 other of my co-workers decided to try the gum out. They noticed the same things I did. I'm not sure if it was a bad pack or what, but if it didn't have that weird texture/gooey feeling I would continue to buy the gum.

Unknown said...

Okay I think I figured it all out, we at work have been liking this flavor lately. I remember seeing this review about the texture and none of us understood because the texture was one of the things we liked about it.

Well we always have to search to find this gun and the other day somebody brought some in in a white box with "Limited edition" on it instead of the normal pink box with the "New Flavor" on it. After we all tried the limited edition box we could all see what you where talking about, the texture was pretty nasty. I think they tweaked it before releasing it as a new Flavor in the pink box, it actually a lot better now.

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. orbit chewing gum