Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Niederegger Lubeck Marzipan

Niederegger Lubeck Marzipan

Ah, the cost of research. My sister accurately called me out on using this blog as an excuse to buy expensive candy bars, but since I actually do review them, I think it’s a valid excuse. Here, we have the latest example: $8 marzipan.

I bought this at a local, family-owned fancy grocery store chain (they have 6 locations) right around Christmas time. It’s quite a hefty brick of marzipan! I’ve had Niederegger Lubeck Marzipan Classic before, so this review might be a little redundant, but I think there is a difference between the bars. Plus, I had to cut this one with a steak knife!

Niederegger Lubeck Marzipan

Under the thin dark chocolate shell, the marzipan was moist and delicious, with a tender, chewy texture. The almond flavor and was delicate and enticing, with lots of amaretto notes. The cool, bittersweet chocolate had hints of vanilla, and it was a lovely accent for the almond paste (particularly, making it slightly reminiscent of liquor).

I happened to have a Ritter Sport Marzipan square on hand, and in a head to head comparison, the Niederegger marzipan blows Ritter Sport out of the water. I don’t think I’ll be dropping $8 on marzipan again any time soon, but it was definitely worth the expense, if only once.


Niederegger website


Rosa said...

they have these at Wegman's, and I've come close to splurging on it several times now. You've inspired me to get it!

ebidebby said...

Awesome! I hope you like it!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, I've got to find this.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to go to Lübeck, home of Niederegger, for a long time, simply to partake in a marzipan feast, but fortunately it's not that uncommon in many parts of the states. As for the Ritter Sport comparison, indeed they don't compare, but you're much more likely to find the latter at an airport duty free shop than Niederegger, and it's cheaper, so it's an ok substitute at times. I'd rather just eat the marzipan than necessitate chocolate too.


Sofia said...

Lubeck marzipan is something very special - even if it isn't for everyone. Thanks for the article, and for more info check out this one: http://www.germany-travel.org/lubeck-marzipan/